Investment Portfolio Booster

Opportunities abound regularly in the Capital Market for investors to boost their investment portfolio. But most times investors lack the liquidity to tap such opportunities.

However, with Dominion's Investment Portfolio Booster, investors can now smile as they watch their portfolio expand rapidly. With a contribution of 30% of the amount to be invested, Dominion Finance will buy the agreed shares subject to mutually agreed terms.

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Bridging Facility

Are you expecting a payment? But it's not coming early enough to meet available business opportunities. Don't fold your arms while the opportunity eludes you. Talk to Dominion Finance. With our bridging finance you can go back to site/business while your employers carry out their due diligence on your bill. It is a soft package that will guarantee continued operations while awaiting payment from your employer. We will bridge the gap from submission of your invoice/bill to the point of collection of payment.

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Funds Management

As a finance house our commodity in trade is money. We manage funds for individuals and corporate bodies for varying tenures and at competitive terms and conditions.

With two decades in the market during which we have successfully withered storms of varying dimensions, we can assure you that the safety of your investment is guaranteed

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LPO Finance

This is a product specifically packaged to maximize use of business acumen and connections. It provides the often scarce financial support for procurement and purchase orders for blue chip companies

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Dominion Consumer Lease

Enjoy Life Abundant with Dominion Consumer Lease

This product affords you the opportunity to have your desired domestic assets such as motor vehicles and home appliances which you may be unable to buy due to inadequate funds. With a deposit of minimum of 25% of the cost, Dominion Finance will provide you with the asset immediately while you pay the balance in instalments over a mutually agreed period of time.

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Sale and Lease Back

This is a product packaged around existing fixed assets to raise the required working capital for business while still retaining possession and use of the assets. It is flexibility at its best.

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Dominion Biz-Equip Lease

This is a product specifically packaged for business organizations. It affords them the opportunity to acquire essential assets such as motor vehicles, air conditioners, computers, generator etc which the company can not immediately fund. With a deposit of minimum of 25% of the cost, Dominion Finance will provide you with the asset immediately while you pay the balance in instalments over a mutually agreed period of time.

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